
How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make?

An overview of the way that real estate agents earn an income and the average income that real estate agents earn.

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What is a realtor’s commission?

What percent do realtors make?

What percentage do most realtors charge?

What is a fair commission for a real estate agent?

Do real estate agents make good money?

Can you get rich off being a real estate agent?

How much do top real estate agents make?

Who pays the real estate agent?

How much does a real estate agent make per sale?

How much are realtor fees?

Do realtors make good money?

How much do real estate agents make in commission?

How much do real estate agents make a month?

How much do real estate agents make an hour?

How much do real estate agents make a week?

How much do real estate agents make 2022?

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What is a realtor’s commission?

A realtor’s commission is a percentage out of the property’s sale price that is given to both the seller’s real estate agent and the buyer’s real estate agent. This commission is meant to be paid for the services that they rendered you during the sale of the property and does not relate to the time that they worked on closing the deal in the way that most workers would be paid a wage. 

What percent do realtors make?

Normally both the seller’s realtor and the buyer’s realtor will request a percentage as payment. The national average that they receive is approximately 2.5-3% of the total closing price, so that makes the total percentage going to the realtors 5-6%. With that amount, you should be able to cover both of the real estate commissions. Occasionally there may be agents who do not fall within that commission average, but that is something that you can negotiate and discuss with your own realtor. 

What percentage do most realtors charge?

The average realtor commission is 2.5-3%. This means that both the seller’s and the buyer’s real estate agent will normally request a similar amount and that the total cost that you will be charged in real estate commission fees will be somewhere between 5 and 6% to be paid during the closing on your home. 

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What is a fair commission for a real estate agent?

A fair commission may vary from real estate agent to real estate agent, but in most cases, realtors tend to charge as their commission around 2.5 to 3%. As this is the national average for commission fees it is safe to say that this is widely seen as a fair commission to agree to with your real estate agent. 

Do real estate agents make good money?

As being a real estate agent normally means that you have no set wage it is hard to say whether all real estate agents make good money. In general, the average amount that real estate agents make is around $45,000 to $46,000 yearly, but there are those in the higher 10% who earn more than $110,000 for their work as real estate agents. 10% of real estate agents will also earn less than $23,000 per year and thus, depending on where you live and how well business is going you may find that you are earning a good income from being a real estate agent, or you may feel like the amount you make is insufficient. 

Can you get rich off being a real estate agent?

As real estate agents work with commissions, if you manage to make a good name for yourself and start working in prestigious or expensive markets you may find yourself making a large amount from being a real estate agent. By investing that amount and using your knowledge of the housing market you could indeed end up making a lot of money and getting rich off of being a real estate agent. 

How much do top real estate agents make?

Top real estate agents, or rather those who belong to the top 10% nationwide tend to make over $110,000 per year. There are those who could be making close to $500,000 in a given year, but they normally work in very luxurious areas such as Los Angeles where the commissions will be high as the value of homes is also high. 

Who pays the real estate agent?

Both the buyer’s and the seller’s real estate agent’s commission fee is paid by the seller after the house has been sold. This means that the buyer is not responsible for paying the commission of their real estate agent even though they were the ones to bring them into the deal. Normally, the way that the real estate agent’s payment works is that the seller will give to their agent the 5-6% that was agreed and they will then split it with the buyer’s real estate agent as part of the deal. 

How much does a real estate agent make per sale?

A real estate agent does not make a set amount for every single sale that they close on. Instead, they make a percentage which means that for every sale they make they will receive a 2.5 to 3% commission from that sale. If the sale is for $100,000 that commission will mean that the seller’s real estate agent will make around $2,500 to $3,0000. If the price of the house or property is $1,000,000 then that amount instantly skyrockets to $25,000 to $30,000. Therefore, the amount they make is entirely linked to the price of the house they sell. 

How much are realtor fees?

Realtor commission fees are approximately 5-6% out of the selling price of a property. This percentage is normally split equally between the buyers and the seller’s real estate agent, but there are times when they may agree on an uneven split for the money. This means that the buyer’s real estate agent will make 2.5 to 3% out of the sale of the property and the seller’s agent will make an equal or similar amount.

Do realtors make good money?

Real estate agents can make very good money especially if they are working in a market that sees a lot of sales of properties or if the market that they work in has houses that are worth a lot of money. As real estate agents are paid a percentage out of the selling price, the price of the house is actually the most detrimental in the amount that the agents will make. 

  • The national average real estate commission is 2.5 to 3% 
  • The average income for real estate agents is around $46,000
  • Only 10% of real estate agents will make more than $110,000 annually 

How much do real estate agents make in commission?

How much a real estate agent will make in commissions will entirely depend on the agreement that they have with their client. In most cases, the buyer’s real estate agent will ask for 2.5 to 3% for their work, and the seller’s real estate agent will request an equal amount. This is the only money that the real estate agents will be paid for selling the house as they are entirely paid from the commission. Depending on the price of the house that they are selling that real estate commission could result in them getting a few thousand dollars at the end of the transaction. There are a few agents who may charge a commission outside of the percentage disclosed above, but in most cases, real estate agents seem to ask for a percentage within that range. 

How much do real estate agents make a month?

Real Estate agents are not paid monthly, and that is something that anyone considering a career in real estate should remember. Instead, they are paid based on the commissions that they earn which means that if in any particular month they make no sales they would also not be making an income in those months. However, an average earnings estimation can be made by taking the annual income of real estate agents and dividing it by 12, giving us in this way an average monthly income for these agents. 

  • In 2019, with the average real estate salary being $62,060, the estimated monthly earnings were $5172 
  • Real estate agents do not get paid a monthly wage
  • Real estate agents normally get a commission of 2.5 to 3% of the house sale price as a commission

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How much do real estate agents make an hour?

As real estate agents do not usually have an hourly wage but rather, they work with commissions it would be hard to estimate what they would be making in an hour, and any estimation that we did make would be inaccurate. This is especially true because so much of the work that a real estate agent will do for the sale of a house, may in the end not even lead to the sale of the house. For example, if an agent has viewings of the house arranged for the entire day their time commitment for this job may be 8 hours, but if none of those people choose to purchase the house then the reality is that the real estate agent will not be paid for all the hours of work that they worked that day. Therefore, the real estate agents’ earnings cannot accurately be estimated on an hourly basis as the hours that they may be required to work will not always be cataloged and stated anywhere. 

How much do real estate agents make a week?

The amount that real estate agents make per week will widely vary depending on the amount that they make yearly. This is especially true because real estate agents do not have a set wage that they earn every single week or month. Instead, they are paid entirely through commissions. What this means is that to find the weekly pay for those working in real estate we will need to divide their annual earnings and make an estimation based on that division. The results that this division will give will vary as is shown below for 2021: 

1. Top 10% Earning $110,000 or more could be making weekly $2,096

2. Those earning the national average of $52,000 will be earning weekly $1,000

3. Those in the 75th Percentile, making an annual salary of $100,000 would be making $1,923 weekly

How much will real estate agents make in 2022?

To estimate how much real estate agents will be making in 2022 it is important to consider how the housing market is most likely going to be looking during that year. The current estimations show that the market will remain booming and that it will remain as competitive as it has been in 2021. If that is indeed the case real estate agents working in areas that have seen a surge in prices or sales may find that their annual earnings will increase during the following year. Ultimately, the amount that any real estate agent will make will entirely depend on how well prepared they are and how good they are at making a deal so for many real estate agents this is a chance to hone their skills. As the earning patterns of 2021 have shown that the average earnings for real estate agents seem to be increasing and this is both because of the larger number of sales and because there are more sales for higher valued homes right now, meaning that this is a good period to go into the real estate market if you are looking to make a name for yourself. 


The amount that real estate agents make will entirely depend on the number of sales that they close on and the price that those properties were sold at. As real estate commissions are entirely based on a percentage and there is no monthly wage or the hourly rate at which they work estimating the earnings of a real estate agent in anything other than an annual rate can be futile. This is because while they may close on 3 houses one month, they may not close on a single house the following week, leaving them in this way without a monthly income. This is always something to remember when trying to estimate what the earnings of a realtor are in any given fiscal year. 

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