
Orange County Property appraiser

Orange County has an online database that makes accessing property records fast and easy.

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Orange County property records are public records made available through their online database. By looking up the address of the property you can find information about the owner and the tax records of the property. If you want to get your property appraised then you can contact a local appraising service to get an estimate of what your property will be valued as for tax purposes. Using that information, you can also use an online property tax calculator to estimate your taxes.

How do I find orange County property records?

Property records in Orange County are public. This means that you can access this information either online or by contacting your county. The easiest way to get property records is through the Orange County Property Appraiser’s official website. On that website, you can get information based on the property address. The data you can find includes who is the property owner, the property value, the taxes and exemptions for this property, and other information relating to the deed.

Another great option to gain access to the orange County property records is to contact the county clerk’s office. They will be easily able to find the property that you are inquiring about and may be able to provide you with limited information regarding the owners and location of the property. This could be a great option if you have a county office near you and you are looking to find the records of a specific property.

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Who is the Orange County tax collector?

The Orange County Tax Collector is Scott Randolph. He has been the tax collector since 2012 when he was first elected. His work so far has included helping local taxpayers get high returns on their taxes, helping non-profit organizations and churches with tax penalties they may be facing, and expanding his services to all residents within Orange County.

How is the value of my property estimated?

If you are trying to determine what the value of your property is based on your county’s taxes then you will need to understand some valuation concepts that are often to determine your property’s value.

1. The relation between value, cost, and price

Contrary to popular belief on many occasions, the value of your property will not be equal to either the price you paid for it or the cost of construction or renovation you undertook. While some costs may affect the value of your property, since certain renovations could lead to the property value increasing, there is no guarantee that that added value will be equal to the cost you paid. Further on, the value of the property is also not equal to the price that you are trying to sell your property for. You can overvalue or undervalue your property when putting on a price to sell, what’s more, the price that you are trying to sell for may not always be the price you end up finding a buyer for. Therefore, it would make sense why the value of a property is not determined by cost or price.

2. Understanding the Market Value

Appraisals to determine what your home would sell for under the current market value are also not always accurate representations of the value of your property. A market value appraisal relates more to the amount that you are expected to get if you were to put your home on the market today. As such, it would not necessarily be an accurate representation of value since depending on the housing and real estate trends properties may be seriously undervalued or overvalued. Market values can also fluctuate quite a bit depending on how the market is performing.

Understanding how to value appraisals for taxation purposes work depends on the separation of the concept of value with the concept of market value, price, and cost. An accurate appraisal will seek to collect a lot of different data relating to the area the property is in, the region, the city, the actual property, its features, and amenities. Other factors such as depreciation, a sales comparison, and the costs that went into constructing or buying your property may also be used to determine the value of the property.

Normal methodology for appraising properties will also include:

  • Estimation of the value of the land if it had no buildings on it and was vacant
  • Estimations based on the depreciation and condition of the property
  • Estimation of the current costs for constructing a similar building

Depending on your county there will be appraisers that can assist you with the valuation of your property. This may be a service that you want to look into if you want to get exact estimations on the value of your property.

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Can I estimate my property taxes?

The best way to estimate your property taxes is by using an online property tax calculator. These calculators will allow you to choose your exact location and the value of your property. Based on that data the calculator will estimate what your property taxes should be approximate. If you are uncertain about your property taxes you can also contact your county’s appraiser and even refer to past tax records to estimate what you will be spending on your taxes. You will also want to know what deductions you are eligible for as those can lower your estimated taxes.

How long will it take for a review of my property?

In Florida, appraisers will determine the value of your property each year on January 1st. Once the value of your property has been determined the information will be reviewed and exemptions will be applied. Assessment limitations and classifications will also be taken into consideration. After this review is it possible that your property taxes may be reduced as the taxable value of your property will be brought down.

How do I find out who owns a property in Florida?

There are three different ways for you to find out who owns a specific property in Florida. All these methods may provide you with limited information on the owner of the property, but still, they should provide you with basic information.

1. County Clerk’s office

If you know the property’s location or address, then you may be able to get information about the owner through the county clerk’s office. Florida has 67 counties, and each county has its website and contact details that you can use. As each county keeps its records and acts completely independently you may find that different counties can provide you with information. In some cases, because of legal limitations, you may also not be able to find the actual name of the owner of the property.

2. Florida Secretary of State

If your local county clerk’s office cannot provide you with information about the details of the owner of a property, then you may want to check with the Florida Secretary of State. While the Secretary of State’s office keeps records about corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships, they do not usually keep records on individuals. Still, as the county office is mainly unable to assist with cases where a property is owned by a company, contacting the Secretary of state office could lead to you finding the information that you were interested in.

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If you have the name of the property’s owner, then the Secretary of State’s office may also be able to provide you with their contact address. Especially in cases of businesses, this could lead to you finding the right person to talk to about the property that you are interested in much faster.

3. Search online

Many county offices will choose to have their property database online. This means that no matter where you are you will be able to access the information that you were looking for. Normally, to work these databases you will need to know the exact address of the property. This will make looking through all the different property records much easier.

How can I find out who owns a property in Orange County FL?

The easiest way to find out who owns a property in orange county is through the use of the online property records database. On the Orange County property appraiser website, you can use their advanced property search tool to find a property based on the address, name, or even sales records. This is by far the easiest way of finding out who owns a property as it is both free and easy to do from the comfort of your own home.

How can I find out who owns a property in Florida for free?

To find out who owns a property in Florida you will need to be able to look up the county property records. Depending on the county that you are in this could be a process that you could complete from the comfort of your own home by searching their online database or it could be something that would require that you contact the county clerk’s office directly. Either way, the process should be free since property records are public records.

Depending on which county you are in and the type of ownership of the property you are inquiring about, the office may not be able to provide you with exact information on who owns the property that you are interested in. This mostly has to do with certain legal limitations. In those cases, you may also want to contact the Secretary of State’s office.


How do I find the contact details of a property owner?

Real estate tax records are public documents and are usually held in a database or on file at the county clerk’s office. If you want to find out more information about the owner of a specific property, then you will want either directly contact your county clerk’s office or check if they make their records available online. More and more offices have switched to using online databases which can make it much easier to find information about the property that you are interested in and its owner.

While finding the contact details for a property owner will not necessarily be hard, initiating communication with them is something that you will need to approach very carefully. With the property owner’s name and their address on hand, it might be that one of the best ways to contact them is through the mail. This can start with pleasant communication and if done properly will not feel overly intrusive on their privacy.

Always remember that just because you can access someone’s information and contact details that does not mean that you have any right to disturb their peace or contact them relentlessly just because you are interested in their property. This is why you will want to be as respectful as possible in this first mail and let the property owner decide whether they are interested in talking to you.


In Orange County finding property records can be exceptionally easy, especially because they are available through the county’s online database. The Orange County Property appraiser is also available to assist you with concerns that you may have over your property taxes. When doing property taxes, you must endure that your property is valued correctly and that all deductions have been applied. This can help save you a lot of money in the long run.

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