
How to Afford a Million Dollar Home

How do others afford a million dollar home? These are the steps to afford a million dollar home and the mortgage calculations to find out what you can afford.

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How do others afford a million dollar home? These are the steps to afford a million dollar home and the mortgage calculations to find out what you can afford.

Table of Contents:

How to Afford a Million Dollar Home

Credit Score


Debt-to-Income Ratio or DTI

Down Payment

Cash in Hand

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much is a mortgage on a million-dollar house?

How do I need to prepare myself financially to afford a 1 million dollar house?

How much cash do I need to have to afford a 1M house?

How much house can I afford making $20,000 a year?

How to calculate my home buying budget?

What benefits of buying a $1M house?

What is the ideal mortgage amount?

What Credit Score Do I Need to Buy a House?

How do I quickly calculate a mortgage?

How do people afford a $1m mortgage?

Over the last two years, we have seen record-breaking sales, soaring prices and more people moving into a million dollar home. They’re often more luxurious or in a fantastic location that can’t be beat in order to compensate for the price. But is a million dollar home in the cards for you?

If you’re wondering, “How much can I afford to buy a house” or “how much loan can I afford”, read on to learn about the different factors that will determine if you can be a million dollar homeowner too.

How to Afford a Million Dollar Home

An affordable housing loan isn’t your knight in shining armour if you’re looking in the million dollar price range. Instead, you need to factor in how much should I spend on a house and if a lender would be willing to help unless you’re prepared with an all-cash offer. If you’re wondering how to buy your first home, you should read this article first.

Credit Score

If you’re hoping to afford a million dollar home with a conventional loan, you’ll need a minimum credit score of 620 to start, but the likelier is 700 to be approved for a million dollar home. If you’re not there yet, here are some ways you can get your credit score in check:

  • Pay off your debts.
  • Increase your credit limit.
  • Check your credit report for any errors and request the removal.
  • Pay everything off on time.


Wondering, “how much should I make to buy a house?” For most buyers, you’ll need at least $225,384 for your annual household income in order to afford a million dollar home. Not only this, but you’ll need up to $224,223 to cover upfront expenses, closing costs and a down payment.

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Debt-to-Income Ratio or DTI

Your debt-to-income ratio is calculated based on your gross monthly income that must go towards any debt payments, including car loans, mortgage, credit cards, student loans, etc. There’s no set-in-stone standard for jumbo loans when it comes to your DTI, but it’s typically in the 36-43% range.

Down Payment

How much can I spend on a house will primarily be affected by how much you have saved for a down payment. While a conventional loan may only require up to 3% of the down payment, a jumbo mortgage, typically anything over $510,000 in most states, will require 20-30% of a down payment. This means you’ll need at least $200,000-$300,000 in the bank.

Cash in Hand

If you want the million dollar home, how much house can I buy may also depend on how much cash you’ll have leftover after the sale. Most lenders want you to have at least 6-12 months of the mortgage payments in savings, which can equate to between $31,548-$63,096, depending on your loan terms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much is a mortgage on a million-dollar house?

The 1 million mortgage monthly payment will vary depending on the type of loan you are able to achieve and its terms as well as the down payment amount. You have to ask yourself “what mortgage can I get and down payment can I afford?” One may save you more money than the other.

Take into consideration a 20% down payment on how to afford a million dollar home. With an interest rate of 3.25% and a 30-year fixed rate, your mortgage will be roughly $4,294 per month in Florida. If you were able to save $300,000 to help with home affordability, your monthly mortgage would only be $3,859 per month.

How do I need to prepare myself financially to afford a 1 million dollar house?

In order to prepare yourself financially, you must be wondering “how much can I afford to pay for a house?” Well, this boils down to a few factors. You’ll have to calculate what you can afford for a down payment, the $1 million dollar mortgage monthly payment, what your other monthly expenses are, and if the mortgage affordability may cause more financial stress than you are prepared for.

How much cash do I need to have to afford a 1M house?

To figure out the salary to buy a million dollar house will also depend on what your current outstanding loans are, your assets, and what financial commitments you already have. This is one of the most important things of what to know when buying a house. The best route is to speak to a mortgage lender to find out your options based on your personal situation. However, if you plan on making an all-cash offer, you’ll need $1,000,000 plus additional fees for:

How much house can I afford making $20,000 a year?

Based on your salary, you may be wondering in this market, “what home can I afford?” This isn’t always solely based on salary, but also how much you have saved for a down payment, proof that you can afford the closing costs, your other financial commitments and how long you’ve been at your current job. To get a more concrete answer, you need to ask a mortgage lender “What mortgage can I afford?”

Typically, someone would need to figure out how much loan can I get? You may not qualify with any lenders if your monthly mortgage payment surpasses 28% of your income. Based on how much should you spend on your mortgage, your monthly payment could only be $469 per month. You would need a considerably high down payment saved or a very cheap home for around $60,000.

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How to calculate my home buying budget?

To figure out how much should you spend on a house, you want to calculate your home buying budget. This factors in:

  • What house can I afford?
  • How much salary to buy a house?
  • If you can save 3% of the home sale price for maintenance fees yearly.
  • Your financial commitments such as a car loan, cell phone bill, hydro, etc.
  • Your clothing and food budget for the year.

Once you’re able to determine how much you’ll be spending per month compared to your monthly mortgage based on salary, that’s how you calculate your home buying budget.

What benefits of buying a $1M house?

There are some benefits to obtaining a mortgage on a million dollar house. However, just because a home is a million dollars doesn’t mean it’s worth it or will earn you more money in appreciation. If you’re wondering, “can I afford a million dollar home” and if there is any benefit to it, you’ll have to consider:

  1. Is this home your forever home, or is it something you’re going to sell within the next few years?

If it’s your forever home, the benefit to spending more on something you’ll love is that you won’t have to fork out more cash for renovations to fix the house exactly as you’d like. However, if you’re purchasing a home and plan to move within the next few years, it may not be worth it if the luxury market doesn’t appreciate in value as much year over year.

  1. What do the historical sales say?

If home sale prices have been increasing year over year, including higher-priced homes, then your mortgage on million dollar home will benefit you. However, suppose you notice that homes are not selling for much more than they originally paid and you plan on moving within 5-10 years. In that case, you may not benefit monetarily and only enjoy the house for personal reasons.

  1. How much house can you afford?

If you have the salary to afford $1 million dollar home, that doesn’t necessarily mean this is how to buy a million dollar home. House affordability should also factor in your lifestyle and how much money you have leftover to save for your next goal. If you are pinching pennies every month and struggling to enjoy your life, only affording the four walls you reside in, it may not be worth it for you to figure out how much should I spend on mortgage to afford the million dollar home.

What is the ideal mortgage amount?

How much should you spend on housing, and what is the ideal mortgage amount? According to Forbes, most lenders want to help you stick within your ideal mortgage amount and won’t lend if they think you’ll be spreading your financial commitments too thin. They don’t want you to spend more than 31%-36% of your salary between your principal amount, interest, property taxes, and insurance. To calculate the house you can afford based on salary and the ideal mortgage amount, your lender will also use other factors, such as:

Finding your ideal mortgage amount and how much to spend on a house will also depend on your lifestyle, your salary and what you’re willing to sacrifice to pay for the mortgage if need be.

What Credit Score Do I Need to Buy a House?

Your credit card may be the first step in how to know if you can afford a house and how to know what house you can afford. For a conventional mortgage, to find on how much home loan can I get, you’ll need a minimum score of 620. If you’re purchasing with an FHA loan that requires a 3.5%-10% down payment, your score must be 580, as well as any VA loans. Certain lenders with higher interest rates may accept your application with a score as low as 500.

How do I quickly calculate a mortgage?

In order to figure out “how much mortgage can I afford,” you’ll need to do some quick calculations. If you’re not buying your first home for a conventional mortgage, you’ll need at least 3% down payment. From there, you can use Forbes online calculator to find out how to figure out how much house you can afford and calculate the monthly mortgage fees.

How do people afford a $1m mortgage?

People afford a $1m mortgage a number of ways. This could be by using assets to apply for loans, saving for a down payment, working a side hustle to have a higher salary and more. One thing people have in common that can afford a $1m mortgage is either a cash offer or an adequate credit score. In order to calculate how to afford a house, you’ll have to figure out:

  • What can you save for a down payment, and will it be enough to qualify for a conventional loan? The minimum amount is 3%, but that will significantly increase your monthly payment compared to if you were to put down 20%. Most lenders will require a 20-30% loan due to the fact a million dollar home is considered a jumbo loan.
  • What type of lifestyle are you planning to fund while paying your monthly mortgage fees? If you like to travel and lead a lavish lifestyle without a salary to support it, you may not be able to afford a $1m mortgage and continue your desired way of living.
  • The debt-to-income ratio can play a huge factor. While you may make more money than your colleague, they may be able to afford a million dollar home faster than you can. So, how do I know how much house I can afford? Look at your current assets vs your current debts. If you’re currently paying off student loans, car loans or any personal loans, you may have to wait longer to be able to bring down your debts to lower the ratio. If your colleague is debt-free with a lower salary, they could qualify sooner.

When you’re stressed about crunching the numbers and trying to figure out how much to spend on mortgage, Richr is here to help ease the financial burden. Their goal is to help buyers reinvent homeownership with up to 2% back on their million dollar home purchase. You can speak to their experts to find out how much house loan can I get and upgrade to take care of your title transfer too! Building your wealth starts with thinking Richr.

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