
How to Make an Offer on a House

Everything that you need to know about making a competitive offer on a house, including tips about writing an offer letter and pricing.

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What to say when you make an offer on a house?

What is a reasonable offer on a house?

How to make an offer on a house that needs a lot of work?

How to make a competitive offer on a house?

How long does it take for an offer on a house to be accepted?

What do you need to make an offer on a house?

How to make an offer on a house with a realtor?

How to place an offer on a house?

What to do before making an offer on a house?

Does it cost money to put an offer on a house?

How to present an offer on a house?

How to make a good offer on house?

Do you need preapproval to make an offer?

You’ve found the perfect new home for your family and it’s now time to take the leap and put an offer on the house of your dreams. While this process may seem scary to some, in reality, it’s a fairly standard process that you should be able to succeed in easily after reading our guide on how to make an offer on a house. 

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What to say when you make an offer on a house?

There are a few different points that you will want to cover in your home offer, all of them are important to the seller as they will assess your offer for the house to see whether it is a good one. Remember that your offer letter for a house is your best way of presenting yourself as a good candidate for this property. This is the time when you can convince the seller that they should accept your home offer over other real estate offers that they may have received. 

  • Your personal information 
  • The price you’re willing to offer for the house. 
  • Any renovations that you noticed the house will need during your walk-through. 
  • Whether your purchase will be a part of a property chain. This one is particularly important as many sellers consider selling to property chains riskier and are thus less likely to accept an offer made by a property chain. 
  • Whether or not you have a mortgage in principle. If you are a first-time buyer, what this means is that you should apply for your mortgage prior to putting through offers for a house. This makes your offer appear more serious to the seller. 
  • If you are not making the purchase with a mortgage and are financing the purchase a different way you can also state that. 

What is a Reasonable Offer on a House?

What is going to be defined as a reasonable offer for a house will widely vary based on a few different factors. To determine a good price for your home offer you should take notice of the following three things. Firstly, start by doing your research. Knowing how much properties sell for in the area that you are looking to buy is going to give you a good indication of whether the seller is overvaluing or undervaluing their property. This information will help you best determine the price that you want to offer to buy the house. Secondly, consider the fact that most sellers will place their property on the market with an asking price that is usually between 5-10% higher than what the house is valued at. This means that usually there is quite a bit of leeway between your offer price and the asking price. This is so there is space for negotiations. Finally, before deciding what your offer price will be consider what renovation work the house will need. If during your walk-through of the house you noticed things that will need fixing then mention those in your offer letter for the house, as it will help clarify why you are offering the amount you are offering.

How to make an offer on a house that needs a lot of work?

As mentioned above, oftentimes during the walkthrough you’ll notice that there are certain areas of the house that need a lot of renovations. Often times you may also have a contractor or inspector view the house and they could also take note of damages that need to be fixed. If you are aware that the property you are looking to purchase is going to need a lot of renovations then that is something that will affect the price that you are offering. When making a home offer make a list of all of those areas and state them in your offer letter, this will show the seller that their home may be worth a lower price. Therefore, if you are offering to buy the house at a lower price than the asking price, the renovations will explain why you have offered the price that you have offered. 

How to Make a Competitive Offer on a House

Making your home offer more competitive can be tough, especially if you are in a sellers market. These tips for putting an offer on a house tip can help make your offer stand out. Still do not be discouraged if there are tips on this list that do not apply to your circumstance, instead focus on the things that you can do to make your house offer all the more enticing to the seller. 

1. Mortgage in Principle or Mortgage pre-approval

A great way of showing a buyer how serious you are about purchasing a property is by adding a pre-approval letter from the bank. This letter shows that the bank has accepted your request for a mortgage and as such if your offer is accepted you will be immediately ready to go. 

2. Make a competitive offer

If you undervalue the property in your offer in terms of price, your offer will most likely be rejected before you could ever make it to negotiations. Make sure that your offer is competitive and that it is grounded on a solid understanding of the value of the house. 

3. Limit contingencies

In this case, what that means is, limit the opportunities for things to go wrong. If for example your move-in date is flexible or you do not rely on having to sell another home to purchase your house, you are much more likely to make a positive impression on the seller. So, as much as possible just try to limit the opportunities in which the seller may find difficulties associated with selling to you. 

4. Earnest Money

Earnest money is money that you offer when you put your offer through. If you back out unexpectedly then you will lose your money. If your offer is accepted the earnest money will go towards your deposit and if your offer is rejected the earnest money will be returned to you, so long as that is stated in your paperwork. The earnest money just shows that you are a serious buyer and that you are not putting multiple offers on different properties, which could leave the seller hanging in the end. 

5. Escalation clause

You can also discuss adding an escalation clause with your contract. This means that if your offer is rejected you can automatically put a house offer through with a higher amount being offered. Especially if you are working with a realtor this is something that you will need to discuss as you do not want to overbid on a house. 

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How Long Does it Take for an Offer on a House to be Accepted?

Normally, you will receive some information or reply on your home offer approximately 24 to 48 hours after you have put your house offer through. While there are exceptions, in most cases that is the standard timeframe for receiving a reply on your house offer. Acceptance of your offer may depend on whether you the seller would like to make negotiations on what you have offered on whether they need some extra information from you regarding your real estate offer.

What Do you Need to Make an Offer on a House?

To make an offer on a house you will need to prepare your offer letter for the house and any extra documentation that you would like to send along as part of your file. Out of these, your offer letter is going to be the one that will take you the longest time to compose as it requires you to take time to write a letter on why you are the perfect candidate for this house. You will also need to add the price that you are willing to offer to get the house and you will need to also include any other documentation, such as a pre-approval letter, that you have available. If you would like to add earnest money along with your home offer then make sure to state what will happen to that amount if your offer is rejected.

How to Make an Offer on a House with a Realtor?

Making a house offer with a realtor is not much different than making a home offer on your own. The only really big difference is that your realtor will be your biggest advocate and they will be able to guide you through creating a truly competitive offer that is guaranteed to stand out to the seller. They will also be able to advise you on the local market, on how much you should offer in terms of pricing and will help prepare your escalation clause. Making a real estate offer with an agent may also require some additional steps depending on your realtor’s process, but overall, the creation of a house offer should remain similar.

How to Place an Offer on a House?

Normally, you can put an offer on a house by contacting the listing agent. You should be able to find the agent on the original ad that you saw for the property. The listing agent will also be the one who will look at the real estate offer and pass it on to the owners of the home. Before contacting the listing agent for the property make sure you have your house offer strategy in place so that you can move forward with your offer straight away.

What to do Before Making an Offer on a House?

Before making an offer on a house you should take a few steps to ensure that this is the right home for you. It’s always a good idea to check the area and get an inspector who will look at the house for any damages that need to be fixed. These are all things that you will need to consider before making your offer. It may be a good idea to create a checklist before making an offer on a house, this checklist could have everything that you are looking for in your ideal house. Based on that list you will be able to see whether the house you are making an offer on is truly the house that you would like to purchase. 

Does it Cost Money to Put an Offer on a House?

It should not cost you any money to put an offer on a house. Still, if you offered earnest money, which means if you did choose to pay a certain amount with your house offer you will make your offer letter appear more competitive and you will be more likely to receive a positive response on your offer. So, while no money is mandatory, offering earnest money is heavily encouraged.

How to Present an Offer on a House?

Presenting your house offer will only be something that you will be called to do if you do not have a real estate agent. In most cases, your real estate agent will be able to advocate on your behalf for the reasons why you are putting an offer on a house. If you are presenting your offer on your own make sure to discuss the reasons that you are wishing to purchase the house and how you are qualified to buy the house. You will also need to discuss the deposit that you will pay for the house and be able to negotiate the contract points that you feel need to be addressed. More than anything else you will need to be confident and sound sure of yourself as you are presenting your home offer.

How to Make a Good Offer on a House?

A good house offer is an offer that is going to be fair to both the buyer and the seller. Undervaluing the property or not stating what it is you love about the property in your offer letter, could make any seller reluctant to sell to you. What’s more, you want to make sure that your home offer covers all of the basics that the owner would like to know, this could include the reasons for the purchase, a pre-approval letter if you have one, and earnest money to make your offer seem all that more serious. All of these can help elevate your offer and lead to it being selected by the seller.

Do You Need A Pre-Approval to Make an Offer?

Pre-approval or a mortgage in principle is not necessary when putting an offer on a house. Still, if you do have a pre-approval letter from your bank make sure to include that with your offer letter for the house as it will make your home offer more attractive to the seller. 

Creating the perfect offer for your next home can seem like a daunting task, but it is one that you should be able to handle easily if you remember that both you and the seller are looking for a fair and good deal. Showing how passionate you are about getting the property and presenting your financial ability to take care of the property can come a long way with any seller. So, when making your offer make sure that you present the best possible offer you can by including all the necessary details and showing the seller that you are serious about making the purchase. 

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